The Human Touch

To make the clothes we want to, human touch is the only way. Our basic approach is to choose the raw materials and make everything ourselves from yarn onward. As we work, we use our hands to touch, to feel, to press the fabric to our skin and make sure it feels as good as we imagine. Step by step, we bring garments into being that have never existed before. 

More than just a clothing company

“To be an institution, you have to do more than just uphold tradition. We are living in the present, and evolution and innovation are our mission”. This idea is one of our starting points, and the team of artisans, tailors and hand-ladies are the unsung heroes that make our work possible. Behind the scenes, they keep Araayeh humming by constantly finding innovative ways to design products.

What we prize is clothing with stories. Stories bring people and communities together and ties us to our rich past and illustrious future. That story might be about a solitary woman, a place, a photograph.. Whatever the case, we plan our approach to design based on that story. 

About Us